Alberto Rizzoli

Position: CEO
Organization: V7
Country: UK

Alberto is an Italian-born entrepreneur and Co-Founder of V7, a European technology company pioneering artificial intelligence to develop human-like visual cognition. Alberto began working on AI with Simon Edwardsson in 2015 with the creation of the first engine capable of running large deep neural networks on smartphones. This technology led to Aipoly, a camera app that identifies thousands of objects in real-time to aid the blind and visually impaired, scanning over 2 billion objects to date and being translated in 26 languages. His work on AI granted him an award from the President of Italy as well as the Premio Gentile for Science and Innovation in 2017. Today, Alberto’s work through V7 enables laboratories to understand complex scientific experiments in real-time, and allows any business to set up, train, and deploy modern artificial intelligence into any device from robotic manipulators to portable devices. V7’s products won the CES Best of Innovation Award for two consecutive years, in 2017 and 2018.