We are happy to announce that HealthTech Europe is a proud networking partner of the 2021 edition of WIRED HEALTH – the Wired event dedicated to exploring how digital technology is transforming the world of healthcare. The 4th edition will be a two days business digital conference to be held within 17-18 March 2021. Full of amazing speakers, presentations, interviews, all for the current and future of medicine, health and technology.
The theme will be Proximity, to indicate two fundamental aspects of innovation in health: the proximity to the patients (meeting all their needs) and between different disciplines to create real progress.

2020 as a whole is the latest demonstration of how fundamental digital technologies are to the development of Health and Healthcare Systems. It is fitting, then, that Wired Health – the Wired event dedicated to exploring how digital technology is transforming the world of healthcare – is set to return for its fourth year on 17 and 18 March 2021.

The event will be held digitally with the introduction of a new element: Q&A sessions and in-depth discussions, in dedicated rooms, with experts from the world of healthcare and innovation. Discussion will be the distinguishing feature of the 2021 edition of Wired Health, the theme of which will be Proximity, referring to two key aspects of innovation in healthcare: close attention to the patient (meeting all of their needs) and a close working relationship between different disciplines to foster real progress.

Wired Health is a business conference during which both Italian and international speakers will take turns outlining the main trends in the field of Health. An initiative aimed at managers, public administrators, scientists and researchers, professionals, policymakers and end users who want to be kept up to date on how and to what extent digital technology is transforming the healthcare sector, from its business models to new research and products, and consequently the choices available to patients, managers, doctors and citizens.

The two-day event promises discussions of a great many topics, including telemedicine, the use of virtual and augmented reality for medicine, practical applications of artificial intelligence in clinical, diagnostic and research settings, and the management of big data in healthcare, as well as its interoperability and the protection of privacy. But there will also be explorations of new business models in the healthcare sector, as well as its digital transformation and that of research and innovation: from precision medicine to Value-Based Healthcare.

The guests who will be featured over these two days include:

Bernardo Mariano Junior, Director of the WHO Department of Digital Health and Innovation

Jan-Philipp Beck, CEO at EIT Health

Nektarios Tavernarakis, Vice-President of the European Research Council, responsible for the Life Sciences domain

Pasquale Stanzione, Chairman of the Italian Data Protection Authority

John Halamka, Mayo Clinic Platform President

Luciano Floridi, Professor of Philosophy and Ethics of Information, University of Oxford

Nadine Hachach-Haram, Ceo at Proximie

Federico Protto, CEO at Retelit

Aleksandra Torbica, Professor at the Department of Social and Political Sciences at Bocconi University

Tom Hockaday, Director at Technology Transfer Innovation

Davide Bottalico, Digital Healthcare & Innovation Head at Takeda Italy

Dame Sally Davies, UK Special Envoy on Antimicrobial Resistance

Indra Joshi, Director of AI at NHSX

Myriam Oukkal, deputy chief at the Bureau for social politics and development at NHS France

Chiara Giovenzana, Investment Director, Healthcare Technologies at ENEA Tech

Michael C. McAlpine, Kuhrmeyer Family Chair Professor of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Minnesota

Yoav Fisher, Head Of Technological Innovation and Digital Health at Health.il

Nikos Passas, Professor of Criminology and criminal justice at Northeastern University, co-Director at the Institute for Security and Public Policy

Giovanni Maga, virologist and Director of the Molecolar Genetic Institute from the National Research Council in Pavia, Italy

Marco Simoni, Chairman at Human Technopole

Christos Kapatos, Ceo at Serg Technologies

Guido Bourelly, Ceo at Bourelly Group, Ceo at Saluber

Massimiliano Boggetti, Chairman at Confindustria Dispositivi Medici

Alessandro Repici, Chairman Dept of Gastroenterology and Hepatology presso Humanitas University

Luigi Terracciano, Full Professor of Anatomic Pathology, Director of Postgraduate School of Anatomic Pathology, Humanitas University

Francesca Del Bufalo, AIRC (Italian association for the research on cancer) researcher at Ospedale Pediatrico Bambin Gesù in Rome, Italy

Stefano Persano, Senior Researcher at the Italian Institute of Technology

All the events will be streamed and shared on Wired Italia’s social media channels (Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, TikTok) and on Next.Wired.it, the dedicated portal for all Wired events.

Wired Health, organised as part of Milan Digital Week, is also made possible thanks to the support of its entourage of incredible partners.

Scientific partner: Humanitas;

Main partners: Alfasigma, Janssen, Lifebrain, MSD, Novo Nordisk, Roche, Sanofi, Takeda, Vree Health;

Partners: Philips, Retelit;

Sponsor: Deloitte

Networking partners: HealthTech Europe, HIMSS

Production: Piano B

Location: MINI STUDIO – The digital playground
